Thursday, August 15, 2013

We want your feedback.

As we’ve said time and time again, we place so much importance on the satisfaction of our customers. We work day in and day out to produce high quality products as well as brainstorming new ideas to increase customer interest. It’s never been our intent to settle with consistently bringing customers the same variety of products – no matter how great we think they are – we want to introduce even better goodies to add to our product line on a regular basis. It’s our goal to truly live up to the motto that Gifts ‘N Things has something for everyone!

            Whether you’ve been a long time customer or have only done business with Gifts ‘N Things once, we want to hear about your experience. Any customer feedback you may have will be taken into consideration and implemented to make us stronger as a business!

Here is how you can write a Google review in 3 EASY steps!

1) Login to your Google Account.  Sign in to Google with your email and password or Sign up for an account. 

2) Search for a place to review. After you have signed in to Google, search for a place you would like to review in the Google search box.

After you have searched for a place or business of your choice, look for the “write a review” tab. Please note that both places will take you to the same place. Make sure that this is the business you would like to write the review for. If you do not see the “write a review” tab, try to make your search more specific by including the state, city or zip code. In the example below, PA was added to narrow down the search. 

3) Write a review. After you have clicked on “write a review”, you will be able to rate and describe your experience. When you are finished click the “publish” tab. Congratulations you have written a review!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fundraising made simple.

Our main goal when you decide to fund raise with Gifts ‘N Things is customer satisfaction. There are three factors in our control that we focus on to ensure this satisfaction. These are providing top-of-the-line products, quality incentives to sell, and open and friendly communication along the way. These are the building blocks that have led us to achieving success in the past 30 years of operation. Fundraising doesn’t need to be the tedious process that gets an eye roll whenever it’s mentioned, which is why we aim to make it as easy AND rewarding as possible with these tactics:
1)     Online Shopping- We understand that some friends and family might be unreachable to get orders from because they live out of state or even further. This is why we started the online ordering system. It has the same benefits for the seller and organization as if the sale had happened in person!

2)     Prize Program- Let’s face it, sometimes kids need the proper motivation to sell. Our “Jungle Theme” prize program does just that! Rest assured that you’re not required to sell an outrageous number of items to earn a prize; the prizes start coming your way after you sell just one item!

3)     Computer Report of Sales- We keep an up-to-date detailed report of everything sales related such as internet sales, top sellers, prize summaries and more. The head of the fundraiser is able to view this report at any time but we also e-mail them to you periodically. This way you always know where you stand throughout the fundraising process!

4)     Orders Individually Packaged- Each order is individually packaged and labeled appropriately for each student. We’ve found that this makes the distribution part goes much smoother for everyone involved. We also include gifts and snacks in the packages as our way of saying “Thank You” to the buyers.

5)     Convenient Ordering Packets- Everything you need to start the selling process: brochures, order forms, parent letter, and prize program information is included in one packet. It’s easy to understand but if you should have any problems whatsoever we also include a pre-paid and self-addressed envelope to our headquarters.
The decision to fundraise with Gifts ‘N Things might be the easiest part of the whole process. What won’t be so easy is deciding between the large variety of products we proudly offer!