Now that the summer is nearing its end, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming school year. It may seem early for some families to start getting ready for school, but it’s worth it to help your kids prepare and look forward to their best year yet! Before summer comes to an end, take a peek at this list on how to get your kids ready for the school year:
Shop Wisely
Getting back to school can seem like it costs a small fortune. Look around the house for items that you can reuse, such as pencils, backpacks, and calculators, and take a look in the closet with your kids before purchasing a new wardrobe. You can also host a school supply swap with other parents and shop thrift stores for excellent deals on back-to-school goods.
Set Expectations
With busy schedules and new friends, it can be easy to lose focus and fall off track. Help your child set expectations for academics, family time, and chores. Encourage healthy behaviors; help them define and prioritize the important things, and remind them of their expectations regularly. It may also help to teach them to use a planner or set up a chore chart.
Rethink Study Habits
Implementing consistent study habits will set your kids up to be future scholars. Encourage healthy reading, studying, and work habits. Encourage them to always ask questions. It can also help to set up a study nook for them with all the necessary school supplies. This can help them focus and take pride in their work, as well as provide a dependable place for them to study.
Start a Normal Sleeping Schedule
Sleep is an important part of living a healthy, happy, and energized life. If your child’s sleep schedule (or yours, for that matter) was thrown off by the summer, start sending them to bed at an appropriate time and getting them out of bed earlier at least a week before school starts. Giving them time to adjust will make the transition run much more smoothly.
Encourage Healthy Behaviors
In addition to sleep, encourage healthy behaviors for your kids. Get them in the habits of eating a healthy and nutritious diet. Make sure they get in some physical activity every day. Promote respect, open-mindedness, and healthy ways of dealing with emotions and the emotions of others.
Open the Lines of Communication
As exciting as the school year is for kids, there will always be certain challenges that your kids may face. Between bullying, learning challenges, and busy schedules, maintain open and honest lines of communication. Remind them that they can come to you for anything. This can encourage them and help build their confidence before they dive into the new school year.
It’s never too early thinking about school and all the fun, educational, and exciting things your kids will get to look forward to this year! And if you are looking for more ways to prepare and celebrate the new school year, visit Gifts ’N Things for more information.