During the winter months, it’s difficult to find activities to keep the kids busy, learning, and having fun without sending them to devices or screens. For something new you can do at home this winter, try these indoor and outdoor activities.
1. Snow Isn’t Just for Snowmen
If you’re looking longingly out your window and wishing for outdoor activities, you could build two snow forts for an epic snow battle, paint the snow using an emptied ketchup bottles and dyed water, or put on a backyard Winter Olympics, complete with long (snow) jump, best snow angel, or a backyard luge (sledding).2. Go for a Winter Walk
The next time it’s snowing, bundle up and go for a stroll. Notice how quiet it gets when it snows, catch snowflakes on your tongue, and compare the shapes and sizes of the flakes that fall into your hands. It’s a good time to admire nature’s beauty while getting some fresh air. If there’s no snow in your area, kids can enjoy finding nature’s treasures and examining how nature changes during the cold months.3. Read Your Favorite Children’s Book
Remember your favorite children’s book—perhaps The Chronicles of Narnia, The Little Prince, Where the Red Fern Grows, or Hatchet? Pull it out or get it from the library, and read a chapter or two aloud each night. Older kids can take turns reading a page or a chapter as well to practice their skills.4. Have a Family Talent Show
Requirement: everyone has to perform! Choose a talent – from playing an instrument to telling bad jokes – and take turns showing off in the performance to remember! You can even take the time earlier in the day to create your own trophies for the winners.5. Indoor Blanket Forts
Does this ever get old for kids? Help the kids hang up the biggest blankets you can find, and climb in with them! Read stories, pretend you are outdoor scouts in your tents, or just snuggle and tell stories.
6. Put on a Birthday Party—for Your Favorite Stuffed Animal
It’s someone’s birthday! Young kids will adore the chance to celebrate a favorite fuzzy friend. They can decorate with streamers, make a sign, wrap up a “gift” for them, and make them a birthday card. It’s up to you to decide if there’s a cake!7. Have a Snack Taste Test
This activity is good for young kids to tweens and everyone in between. Set up an anonymous taste test of your favorite snacks and foods and let everyone rate their favorites. It’s a chance to talk about taste, texture, put a name to flavors, and discuss respecting others’ opinions. Plus, you may discover your family has a strong preference for one brand or snack over another. Set out foods like applesauce, noodles, condiments, bread, or cookies. Older kids can take part by being the organizers and may enjoy being on the inside track of the activity.As the saying goes, “The days are long but the years are fast.” Enjoy these long days of winter, for the years with children go all too fast.