Monday, August 27, 2018

Preparing Your Child For School: 4 Ways To Start The New Year On a Good Note

A new school year is exciting, but it’s a transition for both children and adults.

New teachers, new classmates and a new schedule can be daunting. You’ll want to make sure your child is putting their best foot forward in the new year. Here are a few ways children and adults can prepare for a new school year:

1. Communication is Key

Ask your children how they are feeling about the new year. What are they excited about? Staying positive is important, but be sure to ask about their concerns, too. That way, you can approach any potential problems head-on. Let them know that they’re not the only ones feeling a little nervous.

It may be helpful to arrange a playdate with other children who will be at the same school before the first day. That way, they’ll begin the year with a few familiar faces and know that they’ll make even more new friends as the year continues.

2. Lay Out Their Day

Let your kids know what’s on their plate each day. Make sure they are clear about what time they start school and when the day ends. It may even be helpful to visit the school in person and take a practice walk through their schedule before the first day.

Don’t begin and end their schedule with the school day. You can also create a checklist of things that need to be done both before and after school. They’ll feel more prepared when they know exactly what to expect.

3. Goodbyes Don’t Need to be Sad

A positive goodbye routine can make a world of difference at the beginning of each school day, leaving your child excited for the day to come instead of sad about leaving. Your routine might be a hug, high-five or secret handshake. Whichever you choose, keep it brief and be sure to let them know you’ll be back to pick them up. They’ll feel good about the day ahead and safe knowing they’ll see you again soon.

4. Look into After-School Activities

For many children, after-school activities can turn school from a place you go for the day into a community. It can be a way for both kids and adults to make new friends and become more involved in your neighborhood. Research even suggests that sports teams make kids better people!

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